Keystone/Hulton Archive; Getty Images; DogBarkParkInn via Facebook; Thinkstock 804837416

This December, Ripley's Believe It Or Not is celebrating its 100th anniversary, and the state of Idaho has left more than a mark on its storied history.

December 19, 1918, Ripley first appeared in cartoon form in the New York Globe. Through the use of books, newspaper, the Internet, cartoons, podcasts and television, Ripley has both fascinated, and weirded out, the world for nearly a century.

Today, I did some digging around, and was able to find the bulk of Idaho / Ripley mentions. From beavers to back hair, the Gem State has managed to peek the interest of Ripley researchers for many years.

Here is what I was able to find:

Twin Falls, Idaho - Our great city has been featured twice by Ripley.

(1) On September 8, 1974, Evel Knievel suffered a broken nose while attempting to jump the Snake River Canyon in his Sky Cycle X2. His parachute deployed too soon, making the attempt unsuccessful. The dirt mound constructed by his team still stands today on the canyon's edge.

(2) In the "weird news" section of Ripley's website, a story about Twin Falls' native Miles Dashier and his invention of "skyaking," earned a mention. Skyaking is the term for jumping from an airplane in a kayak, of which Dashier has done many times.

Cottonwood, Idaho -

The Dog Bark Park Inn Bed and Breakfast is featured in a Ripley's online feature as well. The dog-themed hotel is located 127 miles west of Twin Falls.

dog hoteledit
Dog Bark Park Inn via Facebook

Nampa, Idaho -

A March, 2016, Ripley cartoon features Nampa native, Mike Wolfe, who created a calendar of photographs of different patterns shaved from his back hair. Proceeds from the sales went to help the country of Kenya.

More Idaho - In the 1940s and 50s, Idaho Department of Fish and Game relocated beavers throughout the state in a repopulation effort by parachuting them out of planes in wooden crates. Footage from a department video entitled "Fur for the Future," has become an Idaho favorite. Ripley also features the act in 2017 feature.

More Idaho (Con't) - Ripley did another cartoon based on the fact Idaho has two time zones that practically split the state in half. The August, 2018, cartoon is based on the time zone split travelers will encounter in the central portion of the state, as they pass the Salmon River, which runs horizontally across Idaho.

In November of 2018, Ripley will release, Believe It Or Not: 100 Years, on hard cover.




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