Say what now?

Now before you get too excited, Amanda Seyfried hasn’t gone XXX and, unlike some of her colleagues in Hollywood, no sex tape has leaked.  But Seyfried is starring in a movie about porn, so that’s something, right?

The ‘Mean Girls’ actress is currently filming ‘Lovelace’, a biopic based on the life of Linda Lovelace, the 70s-era adult film star of ‘Deep Throat.’  (It’s a little like ‘Boogie Nights’ but based on true events.)  Seyfried stars as Lovelace and, as you might expect, it’s a role that will require Seyfried to get very naked.  And for that, producers of ‘Lovelace’, we thank you.

Yesterday, the New York Times debuted the first image from the film, a vintage XXX poster for ‘Deep Throat’ teasing our first official look at Amanda Seyfried as a porn star.

Of course, if you’re really desperate and can’t wait for ‘Lovelace’ (which also stars James Franco and Sarah Jessica Parker), you can always Netflix ‘Chloe’, a film that features no shortage of Amanda Seyfried nudity.

Tell them we sent you. They’ll act like they don’t know us. Those jerks.

[Via NY Times]

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