It'll be a good long while before 'SNL' takes to Studio 6H again this fall, its first season in years without veteran player Bill Hader. And while not every episode from the past season landed, particularly Justin Bieber's double-duty hosting gig, one "train wreck" of a sketch never made it through the dress rehearsal phase, and almost seriously injured Bieber in the process.

The "Song for Daddy" sketch in question saw Hader and Bieber as father-son musicians leading a performance on the Steve Harvey show, with Hader's comments, music and bizarre instruments providing a punchline that ultimately fell flat before an audience of teenage Bieber fans. The sketch reportedly worked in the readthrough, but failed to land in practice.

Even more disastrous than that, early on in the sketch sees part of the set collapsing near Bieber, to which Hader ad-libs , "Oh, stage almost fell on you, son; that would've sucked. That would have sucked big time." Hader himself introduces the sketch in the video above, describing the action with 'SNL' writers and labeling the incident "the greatest train-wreck ever."

Of course, given how Hader described Bieber's time on 'SNL' to Howard Stern, it doesn't appear the veteran writer-performer would have objected to the pop star's potential injuries form the set malfunction.

You can check out sketch and Hader's commentary in the video above, and tell us if you thought the bit might have worked in the comments!

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