A southeast Idaho family won a cash prize recently after a video they sent in showed a father tricking his son into spilling the beans about a gift the boy's mother bought for him.
Have you ever heard someone say that they knew exactly the sex of the baby before the doctor did just by the way the mother carried the child during pregnancy?
One of my friends has 5 daughters and 1 young son. And she is worried that her boy is going to end up being a big sissy because he likes to play with his sisters - which includes dolls. Is it OK for boys to play with dolls? Or will it make them girly...
Up until two years ago, the boys at the Impington Village College in England were allowed to wear shorts during the warmer months, while the girls were allowed to wear skirts.
That all changed when a new school policy banned the wearing of shorts at school - a surprising decision, considering that the girls' dress code remained the same.
If it weren't for the neon pink toenail polish on a little boy's toes, nobody would have taken much notice to the recent J. Crew advertisement that depicts head creative director Jenna Lyon and her son hanging out on a lazy Saturday.
The feminine-hued polish paired with the caption, "Lucky for me, I ended up with a boy whose favorite color is pink," has stirred up a controversial frenzy