Idaho car accidents: a man hit a bear with his car near Athol, a 5-vehicle crash near Blackfoot, and a third accident happened north of Boise over the weekend.
You may not want to admit this, but...when you see a car accident or even when you get in one and you survive...don't you find it somewhat exhilarating?
Be honest with yourself! This guy sure did, I mean look at how excited he gets telling this story...
I say we should all drive safely. I think everyone would agree with that statement. But sometimes, the answer isn’t so cut and dried. Check it out below.
See? Would you rather save one life, or potentially millions? You decide...
Don't drive angry! Seriously though! This video show's a couple of dudes following a horrible driver. They happen to have a camera on their dashboard and record the driver in the red car, hit a pedestrian and just keep going. No pause, nothing...
This truck spewed hundreds of gallons of ink all over the highway outside Boston on Wednesday. Pretty colors! Ink is one of the most expensive liquid materials, so this might be one of the priciest truck spills in history (though the whale spill of 2004 still goes down as the grossest).
Check out the video below: