cell phone

New Cell Phone Scam
New Cell Phone Scam
New Cell Phone Scam
Yay - here's another reason not to answer my phone. If you get a call from an unknown number and it only rings once,it may be a new cell phone scam. So don't call back unknown numbers.
Ways To Make Your Cell Phone Less Cancerous
Ways To Make Your Cell Phone Less Cancerous
Ways To Make Your Cell Phone Less Cancerous
So yesterday we learned that according to the World Health Organization, using your cell phone may cause cancer. Well that sucks, considering my job basically requires me to be connected 24/7. So if your like me and you can't toss your cell phone, here's some helpful tips on how to make your cell phone safer!
Drunk Man Mistakes Cigarettes for Cell Phone [VIDEO]
Drunk Man Mistakes Cigarettes for Cell Phone [VIDEO]
Drunk Man Mistakes Cigarettes for Cell Phone [VIDEO]
Cell phones can do many things these days, but you'd be hard-pressed to find one that also satisfies your nicotine craving. Britain's Sun newspaper reports a drunk driver in Russia pulled over by police tried to make a call with a pack of cigarettes he thought was a cell phone. Cops pulled over the would-be Marlboro Man after noticing he was driving erratically. When they stopped his vehicle, the
A Mom’s Suspended From Work For Taking A Call From Here Soldier Son
A Mom’s Suspended From Work For Taking A Call From Here Soldier Son
A Mom’s Suspended From Work For Taking A Call From Here Soldier Son
Some jobs won't let you talk on a cell phone at work.  Sometimes it's for productivity and sometimes it's for safety, but in life, there are calls you HAVE TO TAKE.  For example, when you have a son overseas serving our country in the US Marines and he only calls once in a blue moon, because his unit got a hold of a SAT phone, you take the call.  And this Tennessee women did and got suspended for