Part of my childhood in Twin Falls was filled with my mom, my grandma, even my babysitter yelling at the TV when the one and only Dave Campo would promote Latham Motors.
Did you know that when he's not rampaging through cities and laying waste to the countryside, the legendary beast known as Godzilla is actually a really cool guy who likes to party, hang out with his buddies and play a mean game of ping pong? That's the one joke in a new Snickers ad, but thankfully, it's a very funny one that makes the most of its absurd imagery.
The over commercialized hype of Duck Dynasty is both sad and terribly brilliant.
I have to admit. For the first time since I was seven, I'd actually consider buying a Chia Pet.
Check out this commercial featuring Wille and Uncle Si from Duck Dynasty as Chia Pets
I write commercials for a living. Usually I try to come up with something very creative. Sometimes those creative juices take a turn for the worst. And sometimes, the worst is THEE BEST! Kinda like this funny commercial that's NOT SAFE FOR WORK.
Before they hit it big, celebrities had a hard-knock life they wish they could simply forget. Funnyman Jon Hamm, for instance, used to be a set designer for porn movies, and before Bryan Cranston became the infamous Walter White on 'Breaking Bad,' he was a video interviewer for a dating site...
I think this video is funny, but I totally understand how it could offend some people and offend it did.
Originally, the video below was a Red Bull commercial that aired in South Africa. It was pulled because it offended both Christians and Muslims...
You've seen the iPhone Rock God commercial right? Well, at one point the kid in the commercial say's "Call me 'Rock God.'" What a tool right?
Everybody knows that sex sells. Usually it’s in ads for cars, colognes, or clothing. Well, how about a drain cleaner? Wait, what? Yep, check out this porn-influenced spot for an old, boring product.
It seems that professional fame hound Courtney Stodden couldn’t sink any lower in her never ending quest for your attention. However, it turns out our depth finder just didn’t reach that low.
It's been decided! On Sunday, February 5th, the New York Giants will take on the New England Patriots during the BIG GAME!
Now that we know who's playing, lets concentrate on those presumably amazing commercials. Like this leaked GoDaddy commercial...