What would you do? What would you do if you are running late and you find yourself rushing until you realize you have a police officer in front of you?
This last week, I took a ride with an officer for a night. Here are some of the observations I made, and why being a police officer in Twin Falls is far from boring.
They decide to take these risks every day to protect us, but when comparing their job to other states, is Idaho the best place to be a cop in today's world?
One of the earliest reality series to be produced which featured law enforcement from across the United States carrying out arrests has been removed from the lineup of a major pay-to-stream network.
At one point or another, we've all witnessed cops ignoring parking rules, but a 12-year-old boy named Jeremy Drew actually decided to do something about it. And, he got it all on tape. Way to go kid! Maybe there's a future for you in internal affairs.
Of course the cops had to drag this suspects' lifeless body out of his wheel chair, just so they could slam his face into the pavement to bloody and cuff him...I mean he could have ran away! Wait, no he couldn't. He is wheelchair bound!
The scene was straight out of a classic Saturday-morning cartoon: After a robber took an undisclosed amount of money from a local CVS, he made a mad dash to a nearby laundromat.
As he ran, the pile of cash in his arms left a trail behind him, making it an easy catch for police officers.