
DWI Offender Drinks Beer in Court
DWI Offender Drinks Beer in Court
DWI Offender Drinks Beer in Court
Keith Gruber of Swan Lake, New York was an hour-and-a-half late for his 10:30 AM  pretrial felony DWI hearing in Sullivan County Court. It would have probably been best if the 49-year-old didn’t show up at all. That’s because Gruber stumbled into the proceeding while swigging on an open can of Busch beer...
Facebook Now Cited in Two out of Three Divorce Proceedings
Facebook Now Cited in Two out of Three Divorce Proceedings
Facebook Now Cited in Two out of Three Divorce Proceedings
According to the American Academy of Matrimonial Lawyers, social networking sites are now used as a primary source of evidence in four of out five divorcee proceedings. Facebook, the most popular social networking destination, is cited in two-thirds of divorce cases, followed by MySpace at 14 percent and Twitter at five percent...