Skateland in Twin Falls apparently has a dress code. I honestly feel bad I didn't know about this before because I am pretty sure I broke it the last time I was there with my nieces and nephews. Skateland is so much fun I am glad I stumbled across their dress code so I don't get in trouble in the future.
Now that school has begun, it's time to talk about dress codes. Many students have been sent home in the last week due to inappropriate prints on t-shirts, short skirts or shorts and facial piercings.
Christmas morning is always crazy! Wrapping paper flying through the air, the sounds of new toys, laughing, playing, and singing. Those are a few things that probably happen in every house - but one thing that is different in each house is the dress code.
Following dress code policy change last year, some Twin Falls High School students are being pulled from class and sent to the office to address their clothes.
Several students, like the one pictured to the left, have been sent to the office of the Twin Falls High School due to violations of the dress code. But are they violations at all?