If you receive any email from someone claiming to work for Amazon that is attempting to reverse an accidental charge, delete it immediately and don't carry on any further communication with the scammers.
The weirdest thing happened over and over... I was receiving emails from everyone that kept showing the letter 'J', especially at the ends of emails. What the heck? I kept thinking, "Is this a new acronym? I can't keep up with these. WDYT... SMH... and now J??? WHAT IS THAT?! 'JustwantedtoletyouknowI'dliketopunchyouintheface'???"
Every time you send an email, just realize this: When you hit the send button, you might as well eat dinner at 4:30 P.M., hitch up your pants, and move to Florida to play shuffleboard. Email is officially now for old people.