Are the Mayans right? Will the world end on December 21st, 2012? Either way, you win....because we’re giving you a chance to win one of three $1,000 prize packages that will help you enjoy your final days on Earth!
If the end of the world is coming, I hope I don't survive. But for those of you who want to live, lets figure out which Last Summer Showcase would actually help you survive the apocalypse.
Would you really want to survive a Zombie Apocalypse? I mean, that would suck. You'd be alive, but maybe your kids or husband would be all zombie-fied and you'd have to either kill them or become a zombie yourself. Not Fun. Would you want to live through it?
It’s the end of the world as we know it — maybe. Now that 2012 is here, you’re bound to hear all those theories about how the world will indeed end this year. Heck, there was even a movie made about it.
We don’t claim to know whether Armageddon is in the offing, but we do know there are some ways to tell. If any of the following events take place in the next 12 months, we urge you to run as fast a
Well, it seems this crack-pot is at it again and just three days after being wrong about the end of days, Harold Camping predicts that he was wrong and the new End Of Days Date is now October 21st.
Sweet! This gives me way more time to plan a party! I mean...lets really dive into this guy's (Camping's) brain.
So yesterday we put out a story about a quack...I mean a religious nut job...I mean a delusional crack pot. OK I'll stop. The story was about a dude who was saying that the world would end on Saturday. Any ways, it gave us an excuse to make a new Poll question.