
Arizona Lawmaker Pointed Her Gun at a Reporter [VIDEO]
Arizona Lawmaker Pointed Her Gun at a Reporter [VIDEO]
Arizona Lawmaker Pointed Her Gun at a Reporter [VIDEO]
In a recent story about gun rights, a reporter got a little more than he bargained for. Arizona Republic reporter Richard Ruelas was recently interviewing state senator Lori Klein, who's unapologetically carried her pink Ruger pistol in the state's capitol building for years -- most controversially in the days directly after US Rep. Gabrielle Giffords was the victim of a mass shooting in Tuscon.
Kindergartner Brings Gun To Houston School
Kindergartner Brings Gun To Houston School
Kindergartner Brings Gun To Houston School
There are so many things wrong with this story! Why does a 6 year old have a gun, how did he get the gun, has anyone slapped the parents yet!? Parents – guns go high and hidden, or locked in a safe.  Your babies should not be able to access them.
Three-Inch Toy Gun Not Allowed on Airplane
Three-Inch Toy Gun Not Allowed on Airplane
Three-Inch Toy Gun Not Allowed on Airplane
Security at London’s Gatwick airport have deemed the three-inch rifle that came with a toy solider a “firearm” that is too dangerous to take on a flight. Ken Lloyd, a Canadian, was flying home with a military figurine he had bought from a museum gift shop in his carry-on bag...