New Journey BiographyNew Journey BiographyExpansive new biography promises to delve into "every era, every album and every tour."Matt WardlawMatt Wardlaw
Jonathan Cain Looks Back as Journey’s 50th Anniversary Dates EndJonathan Cain Looks Back as Journey’s 50th Anniversary Dates EndHe discusses sparking from the first with Steve Perry and his role in getting Deen Castronovo back in the lineup.Nick DeRisoNick DeRiso
Journey 2023 Tour OpenerJourney 2023 Tour OpenerDespite weeks of trading barbs and legal filings, Neal Schon and Jonathan Cain shared the stage in Durant, Okla. Matt WardlawMatt Wardlaw
Jonathan Cain Sues Neal Schon for Charging $1M to Journey CardJonathan Cain Sues Neal Schon for Charging $1M to Journey CardKeyboardist claims his bandmate has "serious financial problems as a result of an extravagant lifestyle."Bryan RolliBryan Rolli
Journey’s Jonathan Cain Suing Neal Schon After Allegedly Spending Over $1M on Band’s Credit CardJourney’s Jonathan Cain Suing Neal Schon After Allegedly Spending Over $1M on Band’s Credit CardCain had previously stated Schon's 'reckless spending' was at the heart of the legal dispute.Chad ChildersChad Childers
More Journey Drama!More Journey Drama!Guitarist files a cease-and-desist against his bandmate's wife.Matthew WilkeningMatthew Wilkening
Cain Says Schon Destroyed Journey Cain Says Schon Destroyed Journey Keyboardist has responded to his bandmate's cease-and-desist order, saying the guitarist should "look in the mirror."Ultimate Classic Rock StaffUltimate Classic Rock Staff
Neal Schon vs. Jonathan CainNeal Schon vs. Jonathan CainFeud reaches new low as guitarist calls bandmate a hypocrite.Martin KieltyMartin Kielty
Schon Files Cease-and-DesistSchon Files Cease-and-DesistGuitarist wants keyboardist to stop playing the band's song at Trump rallies. Matthew WilkeningMatthew Wilkening