
Men Feel Old At 58, Women Feel Old At . . . 29
Men Feel Old At 58, Women Feel Old At . . . 29
Men Feel Old At 58, Women Feel Old At . . . 29
People always tend to make a big deal over turning 30, but really, it’s not that bad.  And it certainly doesn’t mean that your life is over. As long as you’re a man, that is.  If you’re a woman, then, yeah, you’re done. According to a new study, the average man doesn’t start feeling OLD until he hits age 58.  The average woman starts feeling old at . . . age 29.
The Average Man Spends One Month Searching for Matching Socks Poll
The Average Man Spends One Month Searching for Matching Socks Poll
The Average Man Spends One Month Searching for Matching Socks Poll
I'm not surprised by these findings from a British website who just published their findings from a survey where they attempted to figure out how the average man spends his life.  And . . . I knew consists of boobies, beer and tighty-whities. According to their findings, the average man . . .
Men Don’t Hate Valentine’s Day… They Fear It
Men Don’t Hate Valentine’s Day… They Fear It
Men Don’t Hate Valentine’s Day… They Fear It
It would make sense if men hated Valentine’s Day.  It’s a day where there are about eight billion ways to screw up, and you can only really nail it if you read minds . . . or if years of disappointment have lowered your wife or girlfriend’s expectations. But according to a new survey, men don’t hate Valentine’s Day.  No . . . they FEAR it.