
Comic-Con 2012 Cosplay: Best Photos of Geeks Gone Wild!
Comic-Con 2012 Cosplay: Best Photos of Geeks Gone Wild!
Comic-Con 2012 Cosplay: Best Photos of Geeks Gone Wild!
Comic-Con 2012 is the social event of the season… for geeks. It’s equivalent to the Oscars for actors, New York Fashion Week for style junkies and the MTV Movie Awards for B- to C-List celebrities. That being said, what you wear to Comic-Con is just as important as Comic-Con itself.
Beware – Nerds Everywhere Are Angry! [VIDEO]
Beware – Nerds Everywhere Are Angry! [VIDEO]
Beware – Nerds Everywhere Are Angry! [VIDEO]
So there's a new Star Wars: Episode VI - Return of the Jedi version coming out on Blu Ray.  That means that George Lucas is going to mess with the whole episode.  He'll add some CG here, remove a line here, add one there. Speaking of adding a line, he added Darth Vader's "Nooooooo...
Even Horrible Star Wars Knock-Offs Are Still Star Wars [VIDEO]
Even Horrible Star Wars Knock-Offs Are Still Star Wars [VIDEO]
Even Horrible Star Wars Knock-Offs Are Still Star Wars [VIDEO]
You've gotta admit, Star Wars is still Star Wars even if it's some Brazilian knock off.   Hey if it's Brazilian, maybe Shakira will show up and shake something?  :-) Speaking of Brazilian, here's a Star Wars remake Brazilian style...and it's horrible: Japanese Star Wars Commercial Was that cat food...
Dad Recreates Doom [VIDEO]
Dad Recreates Doom [VIDEO]
Dad Recreates Doom [VIDEO]
Hello, my name is Kendra Wolfe and I play video games. This is where you say: "Hi, Kendra Wolfe!" OK so I make fun of World Of Warcraft gamers all the time, yet here I am a total video game nerd...when it comes to old school games like Doom...
Gamers Owned by Arcade Boxing Machine [VIDEO]
Gamers Owned by Arcade Boxing Machine [VIDEO]
Gamers Owned by Arcade Boxing Machine [VIDEO]
Unless you have formal training in punching things, an arcade boxing machine is not something you should try out in front of other people, as the chance of embarrassment is quite high. That goes double for taking a video of your first attempt at the game, as the two young men in this video so unfortunately learned. (At least we think it's their first time. It has to be.)
Help, Help…Nerds!!!
Help, Help…Nerds!!!
Help, Help…Nerds!!!
Dateline: Indianapolis, Indiana. A 26 yr old man who was minding his own business leaving a local strip club, says he was robbed of $400. No, not from overpriced drinks or lap dances, but actually robbed… by NERDS! According to a published Indianapolis Police Blotter, the unidentified man said he was hit over the head by what he described as “two nerdy-looking guys” who took the money out of