Someone stole a truck and trailer, then went to Snake River Pool and Spa in Twin Falls and stole a Bobcat. He then leads police on a wild chase near Bliss
Two men wanted in relation to a burglary and truck theft in Wendell were arrested in Ada County. The Gooding County Sheriff’s Office confirmed Cruz Rubalcaba, of Wendell, and Zachary Tyler, of Twin Falls were arrested.
This is insane. A guy dressed as a woman (no, not kidding) allegedly stole an ATV from a store in Rexburg. As he fled police, he collided violently with a vehicle at an intersection. Now, 2 different dashcam videos have been released that show the accident as it happened.
It was was supposed to be a demonstration of a new “secret maneuver” by the Houston police, but it ended up being a wreck between 2 police cars, that sent 7 people to the hospital.
None of the injuries were listed as serious, but it may take a while for the Houston police department to live it down, considering the fact that among the injured were 5 visiting Chinese police officials who were
Is that embarrassing, or what?
I mean what are you going to say to your cell mates, “yeah, I was chased down by a cop on a golf cart?! ”
That’s the way it goes for 25 yr old Jeremiah Ellarius Haynes, who was running from police in Florida...