This is not exactly a new issue, but now that there are more powerful smart TV's on the market, there are new concerns that your privacy is at great risk.
If you've ever watched TV shows like 'Long Island Medium,' you've seen the stunned looks on people's faces when the psychics start to get positive "hits." The guy in the video above amazes strangers with specific information, but there's one catch: he's not even a little bit psychic.
I honestly believe in life that good people win and evil people lose. However, after the whole Casey Anthony case sometimes that is hard to believe.
So after reading this story about a new bill passed that allows our government to record every single thing you and I do online really creeps me out and solidifies my stance: Our government needs to stay the hell out of my private life!
In what's being heralded as a win for film and music studios, the country's top internet service providers -- Comcast, AT&T, Time Warner Cable, Cablevision and Verizon -- have all signed on to a new initiative called the Copyright Alert System to combat internet piracy.
The new process will identify users suspected of digital copyright infringement, such as heavy downloaders, and then send ou