The Princess Bride

‘Princess Bride’ T-Shirt Deemed a Security Threat on Airplane
‘Princess Bride’ T-Shirt Deemed a Security Threat on Airplane
‘Princess Bride’ T-Shirt Deemed a Security Threat on Airplane
'The Princess Bride' is known for many famous lines, perhaps the most famous of which is the classic, "Hello. My name is Inigo Montoya. You killed my father. Prepare to die." It's quoted and repeated and even reprinted on t-shirts. But you might not want to wear your Inigo Montoya shirt on your next airplane flight lest you wind up like poor Wynand Mullins whose 'Princess Bride' t-shirt
Inconcievable! ‘Princess Bride’ Reunites for 25th Aniversary
Inconcievable! ‘Princess Bride’ Reunites for 25th Aniversary
Inconcievable! ‘Princess Bride’ Reunites for 25th Aniversary
It's hard to believe that 'The Princess Bride' was released 25 years ago, but here the cast is, 25 years older to prove it's really happened. They reunited for the New York Film Festival to celebrate the anniversary, and new Blu-Ray release. PLUS, in an interview with 'The Today Show,' Robin Wright admitted that she was totally in love with Cary Elwes, as any sane woman would have been.