Twin Falls Area Easter Church ServicesTwin Falls Area Easter Church ServicesHere's a comprehensive list of church services happening in the Twin Falls area this year. BradBrad
2023 Twin Falls Area Easter Egg Hunts2023 Twin Falls Area Easter Egg HuntsHere's a quick list of Easter Egg Hunts and events happening in the Twin Falls area in 2023BradBrad
Twin Falls Christmas Eve Candlelight Church ServicesTwin Falls Christmas Eve Candlelight Church ServicesIf you're looking for a place to celebrate and worship in the Twin Falls area this Christmas, several churches are hosting candlelight services on Christmas Eve.BradBrad
Twin Falls Area Churches Offering VBS in Summer 2022Twin Falls Area Churches Offering VBS in Summer 2022VBS programs are a great way to help your children put down the screens, have a lot of fun, make new friends, and nurture a relationship with Jesus.BradBrad