Tax Time Humor And POLL UPDATE [AUDIO]
Tax Time is bitter Sweet! If you did good, you get money back, if you didn't you have to pay out! YUCK!
So to soften the blow feel free to piss off your friends and family (beware you may be written out of the will) and give them this helpful IRS help line:
Here's the PG Version: 1-631-403-2005
Here's the R Version (My Favorite): 1-631-403-2035....or just listen to it now.
Enough joking, feel free to check out our helpful 5 Helpful Tips of a Successful Tax Return, or 7 Tax Deductions That Could Get You Audited, or The 5 Best Ways To Spend Your Tax Return, or score some Snake VIP Points and let us know Have you even done your taxes yet?