From Put-in-Bay, OH to Key West, FL singer/songwriter Pat Dailey has become a traveling Spring Break, selling out shows for almost two decades. With humorous tunes, a sly wit and a fondness for adult beverages, Dailey has built up a huge fan following full of fellow party goers and people who just like to have a good time. He's a regular at the famed Sloppy Joe's in Key West, and fills the place with college coeds every night he plays there. He's also a favorite guest of BOB&TOM, and never fails to entertain with classics songs like The Oyster Song, Out Drinkin', and You're There.

Also Featured On Today's Show:

Larry Reeb: is the guy you do your best to keep the kids away from at the family reunions. He may look like an average guy, but underneath that pale facade lurks a sick and twisted sense of humor. We're not saying you won't find him unbelievably funny, because he is, it's just that you might feel a little dirty for laughing at some of the "Tips from your Uncle Lar.

Bert Kreisher: is happy to announce that you can now purchase the DVD of the same title, Comfortably Dumb. But this success is nothing new to Kreisher, life has been pretty sweet since leaving Tampa, FL for the bright lights of L.A. He co-hosted "The X-Show" on FX, and is the current host of "Bert the Conqueror" on The Travel Channel.

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