Farrel vs Schwarzenegger

It's true Collin Farrell is gearing up to take on one of Arnold's most kick-ass roles!  But the question still lies?  Will the triple-boobed chick still be in the remake?

Ah Yes, again asking the tough questions...LOL.  And it looks like PopEater.com answers that question:

Despite the over-the-top nature of the original (we'll miss you, three-breasted hooker), fans can expect to see a slightly more realistic update.

So your saying there's a chance?

On a serious note, this was one of my first rated R movies, thank you Dad for NOT telling Mom!  And I CAN see Colin Farrell pulling this off!  And director Neil Mortiz is promising a lot of action, but you won't find the new "Total Recall" as a 3D movie (leave that to Penthouse) and the movie won't be making a pit-stop in mars.

I do hope they keep this part though!

I can handle all of this, can we just get a 7-11 in this state? I MISS YOU SLURPEE!

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