Twin Falls Man Seeks Woman For ‘DRINKS ONLY'; Must Flirt For Food
I have to say, there is something to be said for being direct. A Twin Falls' man has announced his desire to meet a woman out at a popular restaurant for some drinks. Dinner is dependent on chemistry, and might take another date or two before it happens.
The "drinks only" post was shared to Craigslist today (December 19), and this guy prefers his dates to be "attractive" and "bubbly." He even goes so far as to put all caps on the words, "DRINKS ONLY." I'm still trying to figure out what "dad build" means.
The probability of eventually getting a meal from this man improves if the chemistry advances, as communicated with some very blunt wording. "If we feel chemistry that way, than it will be another day or two." This is...hands down...my favorite line in the whole post.
So, there you go women of Twin Falls. If you want to meet this guy, and don't mind pushing the teasing pedal to the floor, you just might be rewarded with a choice cut of meat, or bowl of pasta perhaps. It just might take a while, and many, many drinks.
Good luck! And make sure to eat something before you head out.