Twin Falls Sheriff: Call Would Have Spared Manpower in Search for BASE Jumper
TWIN FALLS, Idaho (KLIX)-The Twin Falls County Sheriff's Office says a simple phone call would have spared valuable resources and manpower earlier this week when an abandoned parachute was seen floating in the Snake River. According to the Twin Falls County Sheriff's Office, someone spotted a BASE jumper's parachute floating in the river Tuesday afternoon promoting emergency crews to search for the missing jumper in the canyon. A boat was launched on the river and other first responders searched from the canyon rim. Area hospitals were called to see if anyone had checked in with injuries. The sheriff's office says a witness informed them they'd seen a man climb out of the canyon and get into a private vehicle, it appeared the man was injured. Eventually, the person was confirmed to be at the St. Luke's Magic Valley emergency room. In a statement the sheriff's office said, "Personnel from multiple agencies responded to this incident, taking valued resources from other calls. With a phone call from the injured party, one deputy could have retrieved the chute from the water without tying up other first responders and valuable resources." The sheriff's office recommends people call SIRCOMM 208-735-1911, Twin Falls City dispatch 208-735-4357, or 311 to report an incident.

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