The Twin Falls Shopko Pharmacy has closed and transferred all prescription to another location in town.

As of Wednesday (January 30) the Shopko Pharmacy at 1485 Pole Line East is no longer in business. I was told on the telephone today that all prescriptions are now being handled by the Walgreens at 1732 Washington Street North, in Twin Falls.

The announcement was made days ago that several Shopko locations nationwide were closing, including three in the Treasure Valley, according to reports from KMVT.  Apparently, only the pharmacy inside the Twin Falls store has closed. Shopko will remain open for business, despite the number of area closures.

The chain has now closed stores in multiple western states, including Utah, Montana and Wyoming, according to details at Shopko was founded in 1962, and opened its first store in Green Bay, Wisconsin.

Those with questions about existing prescriptions can contact the Washington Street Walgreens, at 208-733-1166.




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