Twin Falls Trucker Reports 20 Minute UFO Sighting Off Hwy 93
A recent sighting of an unidentified flying object by a truck driver passing through the Twin Falls area marks the second such report to the national tracking center in 2019.
The most recent Idaho sighting to land on the National UFO Reporting Center State Report Index took place just two weeks ago. A trucker headed up from Jackpot tracked a UFO for close to 20 minutes. The April 18 incident report lists the time of the sighting as 2:15 a.m., on Hwy 93 just outside Twin Falls.
The driver described the object as, "bright white light, like a strobe light," which kept up to the truck at speeds exceeding 70 miles per hour. The object was also described as mimicking the trucks speeds as it slowed and accelerated.
This recent report is the second to the center originating from the Twin Falls area since January 29, when orange lights were reported in the Northwest sky for approximately 20 seconds by a local. Four sightings have now been recorded in this area of southern Idaho, going back to December 2, 2018.
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