A couple months ago, the PlayStation Vita came into our lives and got us happy in the pants. Since then, Sony has treated us like those girls in college we promised to call, but never did.

Games for the handheld have been hard to come by, but there is hope in the form of ‘Gravity Rush,’ a physics-bending action-adventure in which you manipulate gravity to make your way through levels. Word broke that the game’s demo will be hitting the PlayStation Network May 29. That will give you two solid weeks to fiddle around with the free version to see if you want to upgrade to the real thing, which drops June 14.

If you’ve got a Vita, do it a favor, haul it out of the dusty enclave formerly reserved for your PSP and whisper sweet nothings about a new visitor being headed its way. You know, just to get the poor thing’s spirits up.

[Via Joystiq]

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