Proving that Double Fine’s successful Kickstarter game wasn’t a fluke, inXile Entertainment raised a staggering amount of money for the sequel to the classic PC game Wasteland.

Boosted by regular video updates, plenty of great rewards and a low starting point ($15) for anyone who wanted to get a copy of the eventual game, inXile Entertainment managed to raise far in excess of their original $900,000 goal.  They took in $2.9 million through Kickstarter and over 100k through PayPal donations.

All this extra money has allowed them to make new versions of the game for Mac and Linux as well as PC, and also bring about Obsidian Entertainment to help out. That’s the studio founded by Fallout and Planetscape: Torment vets who made Neverwinter Nights 2 and Fallout New Vegas, so they know their stuff.

If you missed out on backing this project while it was running you can pre-order the game at their online store for $20. Those of you that were wise enough to get on board early will be able to purchase exclusive items in the future.

Perhaps the best part about backing a game is watching the game come together in the months ahead. Most of these Kickstarter-funded games are promising a deeper look at game development than most people ever get, and fan input as well. So what’s next for Kickstarter games? Famed game designer Jane Jensen of Gabriel Knight is trying to fund a full year of adventure games, and a new Tex Murphy is about to launch next month. The future sure looks bright for fans of classic PC games.

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