This Idaho home is so strange! It is strangely cool and strangely scary. It is for sale in Clark Fork, Idaho. I am trying to figure out how they came up with this shape and, also, why.

These photos and comments are from Zillow Gone Wild Facebook page:

Zillow Gone Wild
Zillow Gone Wild

I am pretty sure this home is in the shape of one of those massage guns. I am not the only one that thinks it too! The comment section is amazing in these photos. James suggested it was a cool bomb shelter that didn't get buried. Liz states that it also functions as a hairdryer.

Zillow Gone Wild
Zillow Gone Wild

One person suggested that "behind this curtain are the dead government secrets you're not allowed to see until you buy the property."

Zillow Gone Wild
Zillow Gone Wild

"Nothing here looks safe and up to code, except the fire extinguisher", "It looks like a kiddie playland" according to Emily.

Zillow Gone Wild
Zillow Gone Wild

Irene: "A Monster with wet feet lives in the closet"

Zillow Gone Wild
Zillow Gone Wild

Christine: "I can have a shanty of my very own?! Unibomber mode activated!" Chazz: "I like how the Jeffrey Dahmer She Shed really ties the whole thing together" Shannon: "And there's the murder shack. Now it all makes sense"

Zillow Gone Wild
Zillow Gone Wild

Kelly: "Is this where they line up people to get ready to be inducted into the cult?" Hannah: "I'm getting claustrophobic just looking at this..."

Zillow Gone Wild
Zillow Gone Wild

Kristyn: "Is anyone else just relieved at this point that there's a normal toilet?

Zillow Gone Wild
Zillow Gone Wild

Kay: "Pantry or dorm? You get to decide!", Given: "Is this where they keep the bodies?" Jennifer: "Ultimate prepper's pantry"

Zillow Gone Wild
Zillow Gone Wild

Terri: "Is this a bedroom?" Emily, "Why is there carpet on the ceiling?"

Zillow Gone Wild
Zillow Gone Wild

Andrea, "Those shelves are making me twitch"

Zillow Gone Wild
Zillow Gone Wild

Diana: "Do you think it is green so that it is camouflaged with the area? I am thinking cult or survivalists"

Zillow Gone Wild
Zillow Gone Wild

"This gives me Hobbit vibes!"

Zillow Gone Wild
Zillow Gone Wild

Chazz: "When you know a guy who can do it way cheaper" Blan: "This is adorable and I would live in it"

Zillow Gone Wild
Zillow Gone Wild

Pam: "Teletubbies!" Kirsten:"This looks like a dying pinata. It's very paper mache"

Zillow Gone Wild
Zillow Gone Wild

But in all fairness it is in a beautiful location

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