Were You In Jackpot When Foghat Did Slow Ride? (VIDEO)
YouTuber Al Pace had great seats for Foghat at Cactus Pete's in Jackpot last November. Wanna know how I know? Check out this amazingly high quality video he captured of Foghat doing their signature song "Slow Ride".
The one thing you may remember if you were at the Foghat show at Cactus Pete's is they ended the show with "Slow Ride". You also may recall that they did an ultra-long version of it. "Slow Ride" was 8:16 when it was released on the Fool For The City album back in 1975. At Jackpot, the live version topped 10 minutes. Reportedly, there was no bathroom break allowed for band members in the middle.
If you're wondering what Foghat has planned for this summer, you can stay up to date on their official website, their Facebook page and Twitter.
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