The new lingerie line from Agent Provocateur might look like the skimpiest assortment of ladies lingerie using the least amount of material possible, but the cost of just one outfit is roughly equal to buying every pair of granny panties in the world.

These very revealing undergarments, that feature napa leather and Swarovski crystals, could set a buyer back anywhere from $312 to $24,000. The most expensive set doesn’t include the plane ticket to fly to London to pick up the outfit in person.

Apparently, these “playsets” aren’t staying on shelves very long. Agent Provocateur’s chief executive officer reports that customers in the Middle East and Russia are snapping up the collections for $20,000 to $30,000 a pop. Those parts of the world must have some super rich dudes that either constantly screw up with their wives or those fellas keep some incredibly demanding mistresses.

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