G.I. Joe ( A Real American Hero) figures were a part of many kid's childhoods who grew up in the seventies and eighties. As it turns out, two of the popular action figure line characters were inspired by cities in the Gem State.

Yo Joe! Those of us who were children of the eighties remember that battle cry. I don't know how many hours I spent between the ages of seven and 10 having pretend wars in my bedroom with these figures my dad would allow me to do chores to save for, but it amounted to a lot I can tell you that.

I don't recall having either figure in my collection, but then again I don't recall a lot of things from the eighties.

What many people don't know is that these figures' backstories also include actual cities in the United States. I remember one of my favorite ones was Snow Job. As I grew older I began to understand the humor in that name, or maybe I was just incredibly immature.

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Did you know that the characters Alpine (aka Albert M. Pine) and Tollbooth (aka Chuck X. Goren) both have backstories that began in Idaho? According to gijoe.fandom.com, Alpine was born in Minidoka and Tollbooth hails from Boise. Pine was an Army mountain trooper and Goren was a sapper (engineer) and bridge layer, according to the comic books in which they first appeared.

I don't recall having either figure in my collection, but then again I don't recall a lot of things from the eighties.

Hobbit House Airbnb Rental Near Idaho

Maybe it’s because I’m a nerd, or because I just watched the Rings of Power, but my latest delve into online real estate listings had me searching for keywords like ‘Hobbit’ and ‘Tolkien’.

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