We love zombies as much as anybody, but, man, it sure is annoying how they always show up without an invite. In these pics, a group of murderous, brain-eating undead crash a family portrait and carnage ensues.

As Evan Stoskopf, creator of the blog Pseudodad, and his family pose for a series of pictures, two zombies shamble onto the scene. Naturally, the family fights back with whatever weapons they have on hand, including garden shears, baseball bat, blow dryers and a plunger.

According to Stoskopf, he wanted the photos to serve as an alternative to run-of-the-mill family portraits. "I remember growing up and being forced to sit still and take boring photos with the entire family. My dad had to bribe us and one of my siblings ended up crying," he wrote. "But not this time. Not in this family. We needed Zombies."

Ultimately, Stoskopf and his family emerge triumphant from the attack, proving that the family who slays together, stays together.

Zombies Show Up Uninvited to Family Portrait
Zombies Show Up Uninvited to Family Portrait
Zombies Show Up Uninvited to Family Portrait

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