BOISE, Idaho (AP) — Gov. C.L. "Butch" Otter's appointee to the Idaho Fish and Game Commission encountered opposition during her Senate confirmation hearing. Joan Hurlock, a fitness center owner from Buhl, was named by Otter last June to the seven-member panel, but still must be confirmed. On Monday, she defended her record as an advocate for Idaho fishing and hunting opportunities to the Senate Resources and Conservation Committee.

But Doug Palmer, a Twin Falls resident who opposes Hurlock's appointment, argued Idaho needs a "true sportsman" to guide wildlife policies, "not a trainee." Hurlock also had her defenders. Dyke Nally, an ex-state liquor agency director who headed the committee that vetted Hurlock's application, said the panel was "totally impressed" with her qualifications. The committee isn't scheduled to vote on Hurlock's appointment until later this week.

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