3 Southern Idaho Towns Included In The Top Laziest Places In Idaho
Burley, Rupert, and Jerome - you are really making us look bad here!
Based on a compilation of data from the Census Bureau the website Zippia was able to determine where the laziest cities are in Idaho. They determined the ranking based population, average work hours, commute time, education, and the unemployment rate.
Payette has the great honor of being the laziest town followed by Weiser. Rupert, Burley, and Jerome came in 3rd, 6th, and 7th respectively. And since you are definitely wondering - Twin Falls came in 12th laziest, or if you look at it from the other side Twin is the 21st least lazy town.
Star, Idaho according to the data is the least lazy of us all. Good job Star.
Their list only includes cities with a population of over 5,000 otherwise we all know Sun Valley would have made the top of the list since all they do there is ski and mountain bike.