
Official White House Beer Recipe Revealed
Official White House Beer Recipe Revealed
Official White House Beer Recipe Revealed
People worked themselves up into such a fizz over news that the President brews his own beer that the White House decided to share its recipe. You may not be able to debate like Obama, but now you can drink like him!
Wanna Taste a Beer Made With Real Gold? Well, You Can’t
Wanna Taste a Beer Made With Real Gold? Well, You Can’t
Wanna Taste a Beer Made With Real Gold? Well, You Can’t
If you’re some ruler of a random nation that nobody can pronounce correctly, you’re probably looking for some high-end alcoholic beverage that’s a little bit more classy than a bottle of Pinot Grigio you picked up from the deli down the street. Well, it turns out that this drink you’re picturing in your head is actually made in the Czech Republic… and it’s got real gold chunks in it.