Florida resident, Kimberly Losurdo, was arrested after two children in her care tested positive for crack cocaine. It was first discovered after a 9-year-old child ingested the drug on Christmas Day.
Earlier today my best friend, who still lives in my home state of Florida sent me a video about an Orlando, Florida couple who were caught having sex on a restaurant table.
Not only was this done after heavy drinking and in public, but the couple was only banned from that restaurant for one year. What would it have taken to get banned for life?
Growing up in Florida, I swam in a LOT! So we'd eat lunch or something, then I can remember every parent saying "wait at least a hour before you swim, or you'll get a cramp." Now that I look back, is that even true? What other lies have I been told when I was a kid?
And this story reinforces that all the crazies come out of Florida. Sit back, relax, and start felling way better about yourself after I fill you in about a Miami women who caused a gas pump explosion!
Actually, this headline is a lie...word is she punched him in the face because he wouldn't put out his blunt. I really think though, it was over lack of Funyuns.