Guns N' Roses guitarist DJ Ashba blew up social media with his once-in-a-lifetime marriage proposal for his girlfriend, model Nathalia Henao. But Ashba's Instagram followers aren't the only ones taking an interest in the couple's engagement.

The Las Vegas Review-Journal reports that the Las Vegas Police Department is conducting an internal investigation to determine how Ashba managed to procure a police copter for what he called "the most amazing helicopter private tour over Vegas." The pilot is reportedly under investigation, as well as a police captain Ashba said set up the tour.

The controversy comes at an inopportune time for the LVPD, which has been lobbying for increased public funds in order to hire more officers -- and it's only been a few weeks since an officer died during a search-and-rescue helicopter mission on nearby Mount Charleston. According to the Review-Journal's article, "Department officials were reportedly livid about the apparent misuse of the helicopter."

It's bound to come as a nasty surprise to Ashba, whose excited Instagram post revealed that the couple's copter tour concluded with a landing "in a field at police headquarters." "Thanks to our good friends for helping making it all happen," he added.

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