You saw a crappy glimpse of the ‘Django Unchained’ trailer last night via ‘Entertainment Tonight’ (the voiceover from the ‘ET’ anchor was crappy, not the footage) but today you get the real thing: the fullDjango Unchained‘ trailer is here.

As you might expect, ‘Django Unchained’ looks pretty incredible. We were skeptical of Leonardo DiCaprio as the villainous Calvin Candie but he owns the role and looks to be delivering a performance we’ve yet to see out of him (even though there’s not a whole lot of him in this trailer). His delivery of the “rambunctious” line at the end is perfect.

Christoph Waltz and Jamie Foxx make a great team as a dentist and a slave hellbent on revenge, each for their own reasons. It’s sort of like ‘Kill Bill’ meets ‘Inglourious Basterds’ all rolled into one pretty little package.

The music (Johnny Cash and James Brown) is great, the dialogue is great and the film, well, looks pretty great. It’s just about all you’d expect from a Quentin Tarantino revenge film. “Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Vengeance” says it quite nicely.

The trailer will be in theaters this weekend with ‘Prometheus‘ but you can watch the ‘Django Unchained’ trailer below.

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