If you are brave enough to check out Twin Falls Craigslist, good luck not getting a free cat. Seriously, you will have to try super-hard to NOT end up with a cat if you go there. Don't say I didn't warn you.

You may not realize it, but just by reading this, you also came THIS close to getting a free cat.

Don't believe me? Here's exhibit A.

This cat is free in Twin Falls.

Twin Falls Craigslist
Twin Falls Craigslist

These cute kittens are free and available in Jerome. See? Multiple cats in training.

Twin Falls Craigslist
Twin Falls Craigslist

These 3-month old kittens are free and available in Buhl.

Twin Falls Craigslist
Twin Falls Craigslist

Here's another Jerome cat that is - you guessed it - FREE.

Twin Falls Craigslist
Twin Falls Craigslist

You may not realize it, but just by reading this, you also came THIS close to getting a free cat.

This is either pure coincidence or the cats have finally decided it's time to take over the world and Twin Falls Craigslist is the place they've started.

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