Our food banks are running low. Shari's, The Magic Valley Speedway, and 98.3 The Snake are trying to do there part to help out South Central Community Partnership fill the food bank. Help us Drive Out Hunger and we'll give you a free ticked to the Magic Valley Speedway!

Bring five canned goods during The Snake's 'Drive Out The Hunger' live broadcast on Saturday, May 26th between 10am and noon and we'll give you a ticket to the June 2nd races at the Magic Valley Speedway. It's just our way to say thanks for helping!


And while you're dropping off your donation, ask for the Snake VIP Bonus Code from Kendra.

1601 Blue Lakes Blvd, Twin Falls
In the Target shopping complex

  • Wednesday’s are free pie night at Shari's
  • Friday’s at Shari's are “we buy Fridays”  buy a flame grilled favorite dinner and Shari’s will give you a free item…ie: appetizer, steak toppers, etc.
  • Strawberry season is here….. Ask Shari's about their delicious pies, jams, and more!

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