Idaho Legislator Invites Christians to Meeting and Then Calls Cops
Expressing your views can apparently get the cops called even in Idaho. Scott Herndon is one of the nicest guys I've ever met. He's God-fearing, self-reliant and a good family man. He makes his home in the Idaho Panhandle. I first met him during the summer of 2019. He came to Twin Falls and participated in a program to explain a bill he had crafted. It would abolish abortion in the state. The next morning he joined me in studio and made his legal arguments and fielded questions.
After twenty five minutes of Herndon being dressed down, Crane had Scott and his family escorted away by troopers.
This past summer I got to see him again at another event, where he was again answering questions on his proposal.
Some changes in committee assignments in Boise allowed him an audience with State Representative Brent Crane. Herndon is a citizen lobbyist. He doesn't get paid for his efforts. His wife and a young daughter joined him and they made an 8 hour trip to the State Capitol.
Crane cheerily greeted Scott earlier in the day when he saw him on January, 26th. At two o'clock in the afternoon they had a scheduled meeting. Mr. Herndon explains he had barely taken a seat when the Representative began to berate his guests. Scott's wife and daughter were in the room.
Two minutes into the meeting, Chairman Crane summoned Idaho State Police. After twenty five minutes of Herndon being dressed down, Crane had Scott and his family escorted away by troopers.
I've never met Brent Crane so I won't call him bi-polar but if Scott's story is true, and I've not one reason to doubt him, then Mr. Crane owes some people an apology. This is completely unacceptable. Mr. Crane works for us. We pay his meager legislative salary. Too many people get elected to public office and then believe it's their private property. He isn't Lord of the Manor. If he can't issue a public apology, then perhaps his constituents need to kick him to the curb.
You can listen to Scott Herndon's story by clicking here.
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