In-N-Out is coming to the Magic Valley, and this has been big news for the past several months. Many conversations have been had to make it a possibility, and many debates have been had on whether the Magic Valley wants one, where it should be located, and if it will be successful. The rumored location has brought a lot of controversy, and this past weekend was a chance to see what things would be like when In-N-Out comes to Twin Falls. Was it good or bad, and how would residents in the Magic Valley feel if it became the norm?

Traffic Jam Caused by Swig Over the Weekend

Credit: Jeff
Credit: Jeff

This past weekend Swig had a special event to celebrate the opening of their one hundredth store. In honor of this, they offered one-dollar drinks on Saturday. With such a good deal, many Twin Falls and Magic Valley residents flocked to the store to get a cheap drink, forming a long line that ultimately made its way into the roundabout, and then the light on Blue Lakes. It caused a slight traffic jam in the area and showed what could become the norm if In-N-Out does eventually move into Outback, which shares the same parking lot. The line wove throughout the parking lot and made it tough to get out of if anything came up. 

Swig Reveals IN-N-Out Future in Twin Falls

Credit: Jeff
Credit: Jeff

There are two ways to look at what occurred this past weekend. One is that everyone's fears were justified, and Saturday proved that traffic can and will be a problem when In-N-Out opens, with vehicles potentially flowing out into Blue Lakes, making it hard for vehicles to pass at the light coming from the mall, and even for those trying to make their way through the roundabout. The other way to look at it is that perhaps Twin Falls proved they can adapt to the traffic and have a plan, and having seen what happened this past weekend, they can make adjustments to help traffic flow smoother, while also using what worked as well.

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As seen in the pictures above, traffic can and will back up in this location, but it can also be adjusted to help businesses keep functioning, keep the flow of traffic, and allow everyone to enjoy their day, while getting burgers, shakes, and potentially drinks from Swig. Hopefully, this was a teaching moment for all involved, and In-N-Out and Twin Falls can learn from what worked and didn't work this weekend with Swig.

Red Flags For Twin Falls, ID

Gallery Credit: Courtney Salmon

Rejected Personalized License Plates In Idaho

Personalized license plates in Idaho are a highly governed and censored item. Your personalized plate can't be vulgar, offensive, hateful, or profane. That doesn't stop people from trying.

Gallery Credit: Idaho Transportation Department

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