For anyone who has flown to Hawaii, odds are when you got off the plane you were greeted with a lei being put around your neck. This is a custom in Hawaii and represents the state well. Anytime someone sees them, they instantly think of Hawaii. If someone were to get off of a plane in Idaho, what would make for the perfect welcome gift that represents the Gem State? There are a few options to choose from, but here are the top ten that we came up with.

Potatoes in Idaho

Credit: Lars Blankers on Unsplash
Credit: Lars Blankers on Unsplash

The most obvious answer on this list is to give everyone that arrives in the Gem State, a potato. There are plenty of them and it is what Idaho is best known for. It seems wrong to visit and not take a potato home.

Guns in Idaho

Credit: artas
Credit: artas

If you aren't being given a potato, how about being handed a gun when you get off the plane? This might seem odd and like it is encouraging violence, but it is welcoming you to the state and making sure you fit in from the get-go. Most people have guns here, so why not hand them to the newbies arriving?

Stray Cats in the Magic Valley

Credit: Jeff
Credit: Jeff

If someone is to arrive at the Twin Falls airport, make sure to hand them one of the many stray cats in the area. There are plenty of cats in the area, and the strays are taking over the town, the county, and Rock Creek Park. Giving them to people getting off the plane helps clear up the cat population and welcomes all the new arrivals.

Eating an Idaho Spud in Idaho

Credit: Jeff
Credit: Jeff

No food screams Idaho, like an Idaho Spud. Yes, they taste disgusting, but someone must be buying them since they still exist. Instead of giving people a potato, give them an Idaho Spud, especially if it is someone you aren't fond of.

Make a Mormon Friend in Idaho

Credit: Manny Becerra on Unsplash
Credit: Manny Becerra on Unsplash

Over a third of the population in Idaho is part of the Mormon religion. Odds are you work with a few, live next to a few, and likely most of your friends in town are Mormon. Why not have one meet them at the airport and welcome them to Idaho? It can be a simple way to make a friend instantly and to have someone to call upon for questions or to help you out if you need anything.

Ticket Away from Idaho

Credit: Nicole Geri on Unsplash
Credit: Nicole Geri on Unsplash

Idahoans are proud and simple people. They don't like seeing the state grow in population and all the changes that have been occurring over the past few years. In their ideal scenario, they would hand you a ticket to go back to where you came from, to keep from populating the state and changing things in the Gem State.

The Trout Capital of the World in Idaho

Photo by Wes Walker on Unsplash
Photo by Wes Walker on Unsplash

Idaho is home to the trout capital of the world, which is Buhl. There are some incredible places to fish in the area, and instead of renting out fishing poles, boats, or kayaks to tourists and new arrivals, why not just hand them a trout? They can cook it up for a delicious meal, and this way they don't have to put in the work of catching one.

Rock Chucks in Idaho


Similar to cats, the state is overpopulated with rock chucks, and many residents would like to see them go away. Instead of letting them damage crops and fields, why not give them to visitors who find them adorable and don't realize how annoying they can be? They can have a new pet, and Idaho can lose a few annoying critters. 

The Best Ice Cream in Idaho

Credit: Jeff
Credit: Jeff

There are some incredible places to get ice cream in the state of Idaho. With many dairies in the area, there is fresh milk and ice cream around every corner it seems, but one place, especially in the Magic Valley, stands out, and that is Cloverleaf. Handing someone a cup or cone from Cloverleaf is as welcoming as it gets, but the scary part is that once they taste it, they won't ever want to leave. 

Huckleberries in Idaho

Mountain Huckleberries of Idaho 5
Getty Images/iStockphoto

If there was one flavor that would describe Idaho, outside of potato, it would be huckleberry. You can buy almost anything in huckleberry flavor, and it is a major part of the culture in Idaho. Ice cream, pies, jams, or plain huckleberries are available in many places. Give someone a bucket of them, and let them decide how to use them. 

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Imagine getting off a plane, and being handed one of these items. It would likely make you want to keep visiting or move here, except for the ticket home. Idaho has some great qualities and some great things to offer visitors. Each state should adopt the Hawaii mindset and give visitors something from their state when they get off the plane. Welcome to Idaho. 

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