The frost is painting the glass of your windshield, the coats, beanies, and gloves are a must, and the cold weather has officially arrived in the Magic Valley. Nights are dropping into the teens, and the temperatures rise above freezing for only a couple of hours each day. With the cold finally, here, some things should have been done to prepare, and while many of us have done those tasks, there may be some that still need to be done for others. Most know to get firewood, blow out the hoses, and find the ice scrapers, but there is one task that should be done, that many are not aware of and won't do this fall or winter in the Magic Valley.

Spraying for Bugs Despite the Cold Weather in Idaho

Credit: frank600
Credit: frank600

When the weather drops below freezing, it often takes care of the bug problem that tortures us through the warmer months, but that is not always the case. As the weather gets colder, bugs are looking for a place to settle in for the winter and spend it inside with you, despite you often not knowing it. As uncomforting as it might be, there are tons of spiders, ants, flies, and other bugs nestling somewhere in your home to hunker down for the long winter and be your roommate, and once the weather gets above freezing, they will all begin exploring and taking over your home. This is why it is best to spray now before they settle in, or so when they wake up, they don't get far.

Why Spray for Bugs this Winter in Twin Falls?

Credit: AndreyPopov
Credit: AndreyPopov

While some may not think it is a big deal to have these little creepy crawlers in their house, others may disagree. With temperatures in the house typically being above freezing, not all of these little friends are going to stay tucked away in corners. While having the occasional spider, fly, ant, or other bug make its presence known may not be a big deal, some of these critters will lay eggs and at the end of winter those eggs will hatch and you will find yourself with more bugs than you had anticipated. By hiring a pest control company to come out and spray, they can either kill these bugs before they settle, or create a barrier that once the bugs cross will take them out before they can make your home their home permanently. 

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It may seem like something that can wait, but the chances of forgetting or continuing to put it off are high, and you may regret it if you do. While preparing your closet, your car, and your house for the cold weather are likely higher priorities, make sure to make time to schedule for pest control to come out or spray yourself to avoid the annual bug takeover that occurs in our home unknowingly. Don't hesitate and make an appointment today, while it is on your mind and there is still time. 

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