How to Make it Through the Long Winter Stuck Inside in Idaho
The warm days of summer and the pleasant days of fall are a memory of the past now, as the weather has shifted and the cold has made its way to southern Idaho. As the wind picks up, the temperatures drop, and the inevitable snow and rain come, many of us will turn to staying indoors instead of enjoying the great outdoors for the coming months. This can seem depressing a little, but there is much to do indoors this fall and winter, and Idahoans have decided to share how they enjoy spending time inside.
How Idahoans Like to Spend a Night In
Forget the fancy clothes, the nice expensive dinner, or going to the movies this time of year, and instead slip into your pajamas, start a fire and enjoy a night in instead of getting out in the cold. What is the best way and preference of Idahoans on how to spend a night in though? According to a recent poll by Coco and Eve, they broke down how each state likes to spend a night in from personal care, eating preference, drink preference, and activity. Every state appears to prefer takeout and a long shower, but when it comes to drinking preference, Idahoans prefer soda when staying in for the night, and prefer to watch a movie instead of binge-watching a television show. When it comes to that long shower, the preference for shower care in Idaho is essential oils.
How Americans Enjoy a Night In
While Idaho may prefer soda, takeout, movies, and essential oils, how does the average American enjoy a night in during these cold winters? According to the poll, 22% of Americans prefer a movie when staying in, and 20% prefer binge-watching a show. Interestingly enough, 70% of people polled say they do not fear missing out by staying in. More than two-thirds of Americans prefer take out and almost 30% prefer soda compared to any other drink when lounging inside. More people prefer to stay in on a Friday night than a Saturday night, and more than half agree that it is better to spend time with someone than spend the night alone.

To see the full list and everything broken down, make sure to click the link above. Interestingly, so many Americans feel they aren't missing out by staying in, but with technology having advanced so much, it is not how it was ten or twenty years ago. You can feel a part of everything, even from your couch or bedroom. As the weather drops and the winter conditions approach, how will you enjoy your nights in? Grab your favorite drink, or a snack, choose your favorite activity and enjoy some nights in this fall and winter.