There is one certain drink that many enjoy around Christmas time, that typically isn't consumed until December but is available now in the Magic Valley.
This can seem depressing a little, but there is much to do indoors this fall and winter, and Idahoans have decided to share how they enjoy spending time inside.
What would you do if you are going through a fast food drive-thru, you begin to pull out, take a sip of your drink and find it to be watered down or flat?
The bars might be full of fun people wearing purple, green, and gold tonight, but if you'd rather take the Mardi Gras vibe to the house instead, we've got three easy drink recipes that will produce the same buzz and save some money too.
POCATELLO, Idaho (AP) — An eastern Idaho man police say was in a bar while the 4-year-old girl he was supposed to be babysitting was wandering around a parking lot is facing a charge of misdemeanor injury to a child.
Energy drinks are everywhere, especially at High Schools. I know several high school students that drink 2 or 3 energy drinks EVERY day. I'm defiantly not against caffeine. I'm almost positive I wouldn't survive without my morning coffee and my afternoon soda. I've tried energy drinks as a substitute for coffee and my stomach hurt, I started sweating and when the caffeine rush was gone I was extre
The tornado's in the South strike again! This time they stole this dudes burger, fries, and coke....Now I'm hungry. Check out the rediculous video after the jump.