Magic Valley Senior Drive-Up Parade As Good As It Gets For Now
The school my senior daughter attends sent out congratulatory signage last week, which we proudly displayed in our front yard. With company coming up this weekend and wanting to be present for graduation, I can't help but feel that there is a high probability that May 18th and 19th are going to be more than just traffic nightmares in Twin Falls.
High school graduation for senior classes in Twin Falls begins Monday, May 18. Twin Falls High School is having its graduation on May 18, with Canyon Ridge to follow on the May 19. Both schools have planned for one hour ( 7-8 p.m.) to make this happen.
At Canyon Ridge High School, the students won't actually be getting their diplomas until July. Only the diploma covers will be given out next week during this drive-up distribution event. I understand the COVID-19 crisis threw a huge monkey wrench in the United States academic system, but a parade that really amounts to parents sitting in traffic to receive an empty diploma holder seems a bit strange to me. I mean, what do I wear to this thing?
It will be interesting to see how this plays out. I think the decision to postpone an actual ceremony until July is a good plan. With everything these kids have been through this year with the cancellation of prom, the suspension of the final 14 weeks of school, a fractured graduation process, and forget about a senior trip anywhere, I say just give them their diplomas next week. Not to mention, if this virus does worsen in the county--recent signs are indicating this is a realistic possibility--then a July ceremony where crowds gather is going to lose its luster quickly.
I would like to wish all the seniors the best of luck. Congratulations on your achievement. You are truly in a class all by yourself.
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