Marvel Releases Seven Pages Of ‘Star Wars’ By Aaron, Cassaday & Martin
We're less than a week away from the launch of Marvel's Star Wars line with the first issue of, hey, Star Wars, by Jason Aaron, John Cassaday, and Laura Martin, so Marvel has put out a couple of sneak peaks of the issue -- one lettered, one unlettered. We've helpfully brought them together so you can enjoy more of the story of fan favorite character Overseer Aggadeen and... the cast of Firefly, I think? I don't really know Star Wars; sorry.
Star Wars #1 is an officially in-continuity comic (for now, anyway!) that picks up directly after the end of Star Wars: Episode IV A New Hope, following the adventures of Luke Skywalker, Han Solo, Princess Leia, Cowardly Lion, Tin Man and Scarecrow in the wake of the destruction of the Death Star.
Finally, a sequel to Star Wars: Episode IV A New Hope!
Lettered pages via Entertainment Weekly:
Unlettered pages via StarWars.com:
Star Wars #1 is on sale Jan. 14, 2015 from Marvel.
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